IT departments and Irishmen (or women!)
Ok, so lets get one thing straight, I generally don't have anything against either sets of people.
First of all, IT departments. Why do we need them? As far as I can tell, when they're all out for the day for whatever reason, everything runs perfectly smoothly, and more importantly, quickly. As soon as they decide to do some work, and start fiddling around with stuff, it breaks. Which means I cannot get my job done, and end up sitting here waiting for them to fix it again, when as far as I could tell it was not broken in the first place!
Secondly, we have recently started receiving samples to test from the Republic of Ireland. Now most customers are quite happy for us to sent them their results by email. This seems to be a fast and efficient way of doing things. But for our new irish customers we have to send the results by email to ourselves (just the way our system works), copy said results onto a form, enter the results from this form into another website, and then post the form back. This seems to be very long-winded and for example, took 3 people at least 1.5 hours this afternoon to send todays results.
As you may be able to tell, I have not had the best day at work, and unfortunately, its not over yet!
First of all, IT departments. Why do we need them? As far as I can tell, when they're all out for the day for whatever reason, everything runs perfectly smoothly, and more importantly, quickly. As soon as they decide to do some work, and start fiddling around with stuff, it breaks. Which means I cannot get my job done, and end up sitting here waiting for them to fix it again, when as far as I could tell it was not broken in the first place!
Secondly, we have recently started receiving samples to test from the Republic of Ireland. Now most customers are quite happy for us to sent them their results by email. This seems to be a fast and efficient way of doing things. But for our new irish customers we have to send the results by email to ourselves (just the way our system works), copy said results onto a form, enter the results from this form into another website, and then post the form back. This seems to be very long-winded and for example, took 3 people at least 1.5 hours this afternoon to send todays results.
As you may be able to tell, I have not had the best day at work, and unfortunately, its not over yet!
At 6:44 pm,
Esther said…
Aah poor Mimi. Chin up though, at least people can comfort you through your blog now :)
As you can see I have nothing at all to do, hooray!
At 7:03 pm,
Mim said…
Esther, I am still at work. Please stop telling me you have nothing to do!
Oh, and you may as well tell Lorraine I will be late tomorrow too.
At 7:04 pm,
Mim said…
By the way, its actually 7.03pm, I just haven't managed to get the clock right yet!!
At 7:13 pm,
Esther said…
O my goodness you're STILL at work? OK this time my sympathy is actually real!!!!
At 10:19 pm,
Sarah said…
I'm sympathetic too. We had our accountant round this evening which was dire, and then I finished painting the radiator and windowframe in Josiah's room - have only just stopped. Ah well, such is life!
At 12:47 pm,
Mr Thomas said…
Oh, well, erm, Heidi and I had a plane land on our house, smashing the den to pieces. So there!
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