miriams ramblings

The title says it all!

Monday, March 13, 2006

Lost Cat!

Emmy has gone missing. She was asleep on the sofa when we went to bed last night, and hasn't been seen at all today. Seeing as she hasn't gone out of the garden before I am a bit worried about her. we had a little search around at lunchtime but couldn't find her anywhere. I know cats will normally find their way back, and I probably shouldn't be worrying so much yet, but I really hope she's ok, and she's not stuck anywhere, unable to get out.


  • At 7:28 am, Blogger Sarah said…

    Hope she comes back soon, Mim.

  • At 8:28 am, Blogger Mim said…

    We found her roaming the streets late last night, the dirty stop-out! Actually she looked perfectly happy and was heading back to the house, but we've now shut the cat flap until all the commotion with the new carpets is over, just in case she oulls any more stunts like that!

  • At 12:30 pm, Blogger The inimitable Mrs T. said…

    Glad she turned up- its horrible when your little babies go missing like that, I remember! (You should have seen me when Lara re-appeared after a month, I went a bit 'crazy cat lady!')

  • At 1:30 pm, Blogger Mim said…

    I was SO happy to see her last night, can't actually imagine what I'd be like after a month!

  • At 1:30 pm, Blogger Mim said…

    I was SO happy to see her last night, can't actually imagine what I'd be like after a month!

  • At 2:29 pm, Blogger Esther said…

    Aww I'm so glad she came back, that would have been horrible!


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