Ruth and Paul's Wedding

leaving the Centre
Originally uploaded by adam.mim.
Here are some photos from Ruth and Paul's wedding, just about managed to get them up before the Clarkes get back from holiday, I knew there'd be hell to pay if they weren't!
Judging by the guests at the wedding, this was the 'Salt and Light Wedding of the Year' I think nearly all the church leaders from the UK and Canada were present, I was fairly surprised not to see the Pope though! Seriously, it was a lovely day. And everyone was really happy to see these two married. My tears started as soon as I saw Sarah walk down the aisle (the bridesmaids went before Ruth). Its a good job I had waterproof mascara on!! I think I had done quite well to only cry at one of the weddings we've been to so far though.
We haven't got a wedding to go to this weekend, not sure what I'll do with myself!
At 1:43 pm,
Esther said…
The pictures are lovely, and it was a really brilliant day. Well done for getting the photos up in time!
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