Looks like I haven't posted for a while, so here are some highlights of the past month!
- Ad got told his whole office is shutting, and they are all being made redundant. Bit of a bugger but at least we're in a position where it doesn't matter too much if it takes him a few months to get a job, I'm sure there are other people in his office who will be hit harder by that sort of news.
- Ben came to stay for the weekend, so ferried him around to and from Falconry and fed him. While he was at his falconry we did some gardening, cleared some beds and pulled up some nasy grassy weedy type stuff which was encroaching on the lawn.
- Ben was very helpful on the sunday, and pulled up a tree from the front garden, along withg some more of the nasty weedy stuff which was out there. We also planted some tomatoes, peppers, aubergines, herbs, onions, carrots, parsnips and beetroot.
- The Easter weekend was spent doing more gardening, laying new turf over the bare patches where we had dug up the weed, and visiting Ad's mum and dad in Worcester. Very nice and relaxing time there. Also got to see Dan and Sonya which was a bonus.
- So far today we have potted up some of the tomatoes which were planted a few weeks ago and fitted a new catflap because the other one broke! (This one seems to have a bit of a smaller hole, Oscar better not get any fatter, thats all I can say!) We are currently waiting for Dan (Ad's best man) and Rachael to arrive, then its over to the pub to watch Arsenal v. Tottenham (Dan's an Arsenal fan) and then later on its Liverpool v Chelsea in the FA cup. At least that one is on BBC so the boys can watch it here and Rachael and I can just natter away, and get ready for going out for a meal later, but it does seem to be quite a football-focussed day!
Now I'm just hoping the weather improves before next sunday, otherwise someone could be posted outside manning the barbecue, while the rest of us wait indoors for the food!
At 2:22 pm,
Sarah said…
Waah, i must be behind on my veg gardening if you've done all that already!
Sorry to hear about Adam's job :o( But at least as you say he's not under pressure to find another one immediately.
Hope you enjoyed all the football!
At 9:50 pm,
Mr Thomas said…
Cats, and now vegetables? They're all just child substitutes, you know (yes, nurturing, watching them grow - the metaphor kind of breaks down when you pick and eat the tomatoes...). Also, what's with all this green-fingered old fartiness?
Hope something good comes along for Adam soon, we'll be praying.
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