Six Wierd Things
Right, I am doing this because I have been tagged TWICE (thanks a bunch Heidi and Sarah!) and if I don’t do it soon, Esther will probably tag me too!
Six weird things about me.
THE RULESEach player of this game starts with the ’six weird things about you’ blog post. People who get tagged need to write their own six weird things post and state the rules clearly. At the end of the post tag six more people and don’t forget to leave a comment on their blog to tell them they have been tagged and tell them to read your blog.
1. I dislike using black pens. Particularly when writing on a printed/photocopied page, it just all looks a bit, well, black! I will always try to find a blue pen in preference to writing in black.
2. I talk to my cats. A lot. I’m fairly certain they understand me too. I don’t actually think this is that odd, but I’m sure some people do.
3. I eat my food in order. That means eating my least favourite food on the plate first, and finishing up with the best part, normally the meat!
4. I don’t really like having coppers in my wallet, mainly because I don’t like touching them, due to the smell. I would never stand in a queue and have my money ready in my hand if it involved coppers, they would have to stay in the wallet until the very last minute!
5. I don’t understand yahtzee. I know it is quite simple, but how do you know what to choose to go for? It just makes no sense to me!
6. I actually think I’m fairly normal, which is probably the wierdest thing about me! I has taken me so long to think of these things, that I ended up thinking I’m just not strange!
I have no idea who to tag apart from Esther, as everyone I know who blogs has done it already!
At 10:20 am,
The inimitable Mrs T. said…
Those are all perfectly normal things! You big freak, Mim, you're not at all weird!
At 10:20 am,
The inimitable Mrs T. said…
That's weirder than being weird...
At 7:59 pm,
Esther said…
I am going to buy you a whole set of black pens for your birthday.
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