miriams ramblings

The title says it all!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

You're all too slow...

We've decided to call them Oscar and Emmy.

New Additions!!

Originally uploaded by adam.mim.

Originally uploaded by adam.mim.

yesterday we picked up our two new gorgeous kittens! I can't quite believe we have got them, I only rang Cats Protection a week ago! We had a home visit, which was all fine and two days later we have two kittens! The black one is a little boy, and the tortoiseshell is a female. We are pretty stuck for names at the moment though, so any suggestions would be gratefully received! They were called Montgomery and Farhad, but we didn't really like those names! So I am currently typing while getting the bottom of my jeans nibbled, and the other little tyke is clawing the curtains!

Monday, December 05, 2005

Right, because BOTH Esther and Sarah want me too, here goes...(my answers are in no particular order!!)

Seven things to do before I die:
1. Get a cat
2. Swim with dolphins
3. Have kids
4. Give up work
5. Make sure I am still in love with my husband!
6. learn to type properly
7. Go on a few more exotic holidays

Seven things I cannot do:
1. Wink
2. Stick to a diet
3. Ever be as tidy as Adam
4. Give up drinking tea
5. type properly
6. Do my own hair satisfactorily

Seven things that attract me to my spouse:
1. The way he loves me
2. His stupidity
3. His intelligence
4. The way he knows if I just need a hug
5. His reliability
6. His smile
7. He doesn't mind (too much) if I fall asleep while we're watching a film!

Seven things I say most often:
1. Good luck in the footie
2. never mind its only a ....
3. Yes I'd love a cup
4. No Jaimie, I do not want a job, I've got plenty to do (Oh, no sorry, thats what I'd like to say, what I really say is 'yes of course I can do that!')
5. Keir, there's a problem with STracker
6. I don't mind
7. I don't know

Seven Books I love:
Sorry, can't do books!

Seven Movies I would watch over and over again:
1. The Wedding Singer
2. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
3. The sound of music
4. The Princess Bride
5. The Jungle Book
6. The Aristocats
7. Star Wars

Seven people I would like to join in too:
Well Most of the people I know who do these things have already been put on here by Esther and Sarah, so
1. Keir