miriams ramblings

The title says it all!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Summer Holiday

I'm very excited, because we have booked our summer holiday here! Just have to decide what to do with the cats for 2 weeks now.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Esther's 18th

Everybody (except mim)
Originally uploaded by adam.mim.

More pics from the night are available on Flickr. It was a really nice meal, and Adam and I even managed to drag Esther out for some Cocktails afterwards. We didn't corrupt her too much though, as she had to be up early on Sunday morning!

There are also some pics of a trip Adam and I made to the West Midlands Safari Park on Monday. Highlight was definitely the White Lion Cubs, oh and getting trapped for about 20 minutes by some African Wild Dogs.