miriams ramblings

The title says it all!

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Unplanned Spare Time

Well not 'spare' as such, but certainly unplanned!

I came in to work this morning so find everything had turned off due to the storm. We run samples overnight, so we have the results to analyse in the morning. So nothing had run to completion, leaving me with nothing to do this morning! Well, I say nothing, I obviously have all those things I didn't bother doing yesterday, so I might finish them off. I guess its a good opportunity to do it, but the whole reason I haven't done them yet is because they're boring, and I could find so many more interesting things to do, and other people to help! I have spoken to our major customer, and told them that unfortunately they won't be getting many results today.

Well, I guess, seeing as I'm in charge today (eek!) I suppose I'd better set a good example and get off the internet!

Its now 11.45 am, I have finished everything I needed to do, and don't have anything else to do until 2pm ish. Internet shopping it is then!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Wedding News

This is really for my benefit, so I remember everything I need to do when I get back from holiday!

Wedding Cars
Wedding Rings
Dresses for Kate and Esther
Page Boy outfits
Groom/best man/usher outfits
Orders of service
Decoration for Church and Reception

Thats all I can think of at the moment, no doubt something else will come to mind soon.

Finishing work

For once, I seem to have finished work at a reasonable hour. (I really hope this blog doesn't turn into one long moan about my job - I like it really!) So do I stay and tie up all the loose ends which have been hanging around for weeks, not getting done because I've been finishing real work off?

No way!

IT departments and Irishmen (or women!)

Ok, so lets get one thing straight, I generally don't have anything against either sets of people.

First of all, IT departments. Why do we need them? As far as I can tell, when they're all out for the day for whatever reason, everything runs perfectly smoothly, and more importantly, quickly. As soon as they decide to do some work, and start fiddling around with stuff, it breaks. Which means I cannot get my job done, and end up sitting here waiting for them to fix it again, when as far as I could tell it was not broken in the first place!

Secondly, we have recently started receiving samples to test from the Republic of Ireland. Now most customers are quite happy for us to sent them their results by email. This seems to be a fast and efficient way of doing things. But for our new irish customers we have to send the results by email to ourselves (just the way our system works), copy said results onto a form, enter the results from this form into another website, and then post the form back. This seems to be very long-winded and for example, took 3 people at least 1.5 hours this afternoon to send todays results.

As you may be able to tell, I have not had the best day at work, and unfortunately, its not over yet!

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Second Post

Ok, so its not a very imaginitive title, but whatever happened to the 'second post' anyway? That was always a great excuse for not having any valentines cards!

So anyway, Adam and I have spent a very pleasant afternoon over at Mark and Heidi's house, just generally playing with Caleb and Elodie, who are both gorgeous! I think my favourite activity of the afternoon was the fuzzy felt, in particular Adam's very odd octopus (Heidi may even have a photo to post if you fancy a trip over to her blog). It turns out I am not very good at drawing. Caleb has got one of those magic slate type things, and likes to ask people to draw on it. Now I never thought I was particularly good at art, but when a shark turns out looking like an aeroplane, and Darth Vader looks more like a ghost from pacman, I think its time to put the pencil down!

Other than that, today has been spent finishing off a few wedding invitations (yes, if you didn't know, Adam and I are currently in the middle of planning our wedding, you should probably expect some more wedding-related items in the future!), trying to sort out a new phone for Ad, as his old one gave up the ghost yesterday, a small amount of gardening (not me!) and watching Top Gear. I actually really like that programme. I feel that I shouldn't like it, being a girl and not one who is particularly into cars, but there is something strangely compelling about a giant game of conkers with caravans!

Now I wouldn't expect 2 post in a day again any time soon, I have a ridiculously busy week at work coming up, can feel a few very long days on the horizon, so this place will either become lost in the ether like so many other diary type things I have attempted to keep in the past, or a place for venting some anger. You have been warned!

First Post!!

Hello Everyone!

I have been feeling recently that my entire family seem to communicate by blog, and was feeling rather left out, so here I am! I can't promise that this will be in any way interesting, or frequent, but I will do my best. At least I may have something to do now while Adam is watching sport! And if he ever decides to get Sky Sports, then I might insist on broadband so I don't feel so guilty about spending time and more importantly money sharing my thoughts with whoever may be reading this!

Bye for now!